Friday, December 21, 2012

Vomiting back

    Dang it my vomiting is back.  So I am stopping exercise.
    The present moment is pine smelling.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vomiting Resolved

     I have started taking medication that helps with my vomiting.  I am out and about more.  I have decided not to go back to the gym.  Instead I am using the exercise bike here at home.
     The present moment is rainy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vomiting back

Oops I did vomit again.  So no more gym.  Also, I dropped the timer I was using to exercise at home.  So I am not going to do that any more.
The present moment is sunny.

Good News

     My vomiting has resolved, so I am back at the gym.
     I'm still quitting my column because I have trouble reading my handwriting.
     The present moment is cool.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My column

     Vomiting is now interfering with getting out to cultural events.
     The present moment is gray.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Another change

 I have stopped going to the gym, because my vomiting is getting worse.  I can exercise at home.

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Problem

       I have started choking on water and vomiting.  It happened at Line Dance, so I have stopped going there.  Carol suggested I make an appointment with a speech therapist for suggestions about how to handle that, which I did.
     I thought I would have to stop going to the gym.  Carol pointed out the gym is very helpful.  I agreed to try not drinking there.  That worked.  I had been taking a sauna there, which I stopped, so I won’t get as dehydrated.  I miss that.  Exercise helps my balance and the endorphins feel good.  My routine at the gym is less demanding than at line dance.

Friday, August 17, 2012

This and That

      I had an embarrassing moment, when I turned over and broke some of Lena’s childhood art.  I was thinking it might be time for a facility, if I am breaking irreplaceable things.  Carol said she didn’t think Lena would notice it.
     Carol complimented me on not resisting using a walker.  I told her I would rather have people know I am disabled than have them think I am drinking after all the work I went to get sober.
      The haldol was giving me trouble with terrible insomnia.  I was thinking I might have to reduce the dose, making it less effective.  Carol suggested asking my HD expert if I can take a stronger sleeping pill.  He said I could add a sleeping pill, which worked.

Friday, May 25, 2012


     Carol pointed out I have broken one of our dining room chairs.  That led to a moment of thinking I should move into a facility, if I am damaging furniture.  I bring that up because I feel protective of Carol.  She said I could use a more secure chair.
     The present moment is sunny.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Helpful Doctor and Friends

     My friend John gave me a ride to see Dr. Volk, who was very helpful about my thumb, giving me a steroid shot.  Now I can rub Carol’s foot.  John also hung around while I took my glasses to be straightened after twisting them in a fall.
     I forgot to mention John’s wife, Ellen took me to line dance class, when my standing date, Liz, couldn’t.  Ellen was a very quick study, picking up the dances.  Also, my friend Mary frequently includes runs to the dog park as part of our lunches.
     The present moment is cool.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Plantar Fascitis

PS: I forgot to mention Carol has painful plantar fascitis, which is why I miss rubbing her feet.

More Glasse

     I dropped my current pair of glasses and broke them, too.  I asked Carol for help getting glasses and picking out frames, since she is femme enough.  She wound up doing that while I was away for a writing day.  Carol said it took her longer than she had expected to do that.  I would like her to have more time to do her own art, which is photography.
     I had a problem with headaches.  Carol figured out I was taking too many ibuprophen and making them worse.  She sure is smart.
     I am having a recurring problem with tendonitis in my thumb (mouse hand).  I have a brace that helps with that.  I miss giving Carol foot rubs.
     While my friend Dick is laid up after knee surgery, my other friend, Rose, has been giving me rides to the gym.  She also helped me fill out the form to apply for the Access van.  Another standing date for the gym, Nancy, can’t do it, next week, so Mary standing in (or driving in).
     The present moment is cozy.