Friday, February 24, 2012

Dancing on Mardi Gras

     Liz, my standing date for line dance pointed out it is pretty amazing that first class where I danced without my walker fell on Mardi Gras.  The teacher, MaryLee, who was wearing a fool’s hat, complimented me on doing every step.  It felt great.
     Dick, who takes me to the gym, once a week, says he is going to have knee replacement surgery in April.  He says having me as a model helped him have a positive attitude toward his arthritis.  Carol wants to visit him and bring him coffee.
    The present moment is camellia blossom filled.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


     The Haldol I am taking is helping a lot.  It has reduced my movement to the point I am not using a walker indoors.  That is great news.
     My new favorite TV series is Downton Abbey.  It is very engrossing, has great acting and production values.
     Carol has mentioned it is hard to have the loss of what our connection was when we first got together.  I miss it, too.  She also said people who just see me once a week can’t understand how much my HD is slowing me down.
     The present moment is cozy.