Friday, June 17, 2011

Ring Solution

    I have been going to Oregon Shakespeare Festival for 35 years, because I am a big fan.  When Carol and I got together, she saw the charm of the trip.  While we were there, this year, she bought me a band that fits my left ring finger and has the quote “to be or not to be”on it.  She reassured me I don’t look too femmy wearing both rings.
    Carol joked that her daughter Lena, whose birthday was last week, wasn’t going to get a present because Carol spent that money on me.  I reminded her the ring was on my birthday list.  She said, “Your birthday isn’t until the end of August.”
   I said “I will remember.”  And I will, even thought my memory is crappy.
   I had trouble with the brakes on my walker getting loose.  I was going to call my PT to find out who I could ask to fix them.  Carol figured it out.  She is what my friend Mel calls a can-do femme.
    I asked Carol whether she thought I should stop cleaning my glasses, since that is how I broke the last pair.  She agreed.  I asked her whether she would like me to ask my friend Dick to make cleaning my glasses part  of our standing date, so it all doesn’t fall to her.  She said she doesn’t mind doing it.
    I had been doing reading a page of Spanish as not a daily practice, but a regular one.  It became irregular when I didn’t bring those books to Ashland with me.  I’m winding up agreeing with my friend Kit that it is too slow to keep momentum.  Fortunately, Carol also has Dreaming in Spanish in English.
    My vocabulary in Italian is much better.  I’ve switched to a page at a time from Corriere Della Sera, a newspaper in Turin, where I have friends.  That went much more smoothly.  It prepares me for the trip I’d like to make back there with Carol.


  1. That Carol is a keeper--but you obviously know that already. The ring is lovely, and I bet Lena got her present, too.

    Dreaming in Spanish in English? Too complicated for me.

    Great that you're going back to Italian. Sounds like a good week.

  2. I made your blog! (Unless it's a different Kit...)I love your Ashland tradition, even though I never made it.

  3. Actually the book is Dreaming in Cuban by Christina Garcia. And the ring fits! Worked out quite nicely . . . Ashland was wonderful as always.
